Still ready…

When I started writing my post yesterday, I had a particular end point in mind.  I wanted to talk about being ready for the year ahead…hence the title, “Ready.”  It wasn’t until after I had hit publish that I realized I never got back around to discussing my readiness for 2014.  Whoops!  So let’s back up for a moment and talk about being ready for 2014.

I don’t really know what to expect from 2014.  But, I have a feeling that I will drink lots of coffee, climb lots of rocks, and bake…a lot.  Those three things are pretty pivotal in my life.  I will also finish a couple more semesters of graduate school, work at a pie shop, work in schools, ride my bike, and read some books.  There is a strong possibility that I will begin applying for jobs, get a tattoo, and run another 5k.  Those are all things that (probably) will be happening over the next 12 months.

But what about the things that I hope to see happen?  I hope that I climb a clean 11c in the gym.  I kind-of think that I might want to run a 10k.  I hope to pull the perfect shot and add some perfectly steamed milk to serve up a perfect latte.  Maybe I’ll get wild and try to make a cappuccino or macchiato.  More than these activities or actions though…I hope that I fall deeper in love with God and let go of my need to have control.


Also…I really want

to go to Minnesota.